About Us

AB House

"Fashion-forward and unapologetically unique, ABHOUSE is the brainchild of two sisters who believe fashion is meant to be empowering. Our journey began in our parents' house!

ABHOUSE was created with the vision of offering unique designs and unrivaled quality made to fit all shapes and sizes, empowering women to embrace their individuality and express themselves confidently.

The inspiration for the ABHOUSE collections comes from fierce women, or women who aren't afraid to be fearless, do something different, and stand out!

We believe that trends differ from fashion, so we don't get caught up in "what's hot now." We think beyond today to how acurrent trend might affect your confidence and how you can express yourself in your own unique style, rather than conforming to the latest trends or societal expectations.

That's why we offer a fierce fashion brand that goes beyond fashion. ABHOUSE reflects that ethos in every piece we create.

Welcome to ABHOUSE, where you can express yourself boldly and confidently."